Redefining the O&G Landscape

O&G Up Stream, Mid Stream and Down Stream expansion. Financing volume up to $100 billion, including $5 billion in working capital for global trade with oil, gas and petroleum products, and $50+ billion in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) of international energy holdings and companies, including Green Energy entities in Europe, South America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Enhancing Global Connectivity through Infrastructure Investments

 International transport Corridors of Organization of Islamic Cooperation and Eurasian countries (OIC - EA Network). Financing volume up to $50 billion, including $35 billion - investments in road infrastructure (ports, airports, bridges tunnels, roads and railways), $10 billion- transport (vessels, locomotives, rolling stock, etc.) and $5 billion - working capital for international trade internal network

Shaping the Digital Economy and Neo-Banking

Expansion in the global digital economy and neo-banking sector. Financing volume - $10 billion, including M&A of 50 digital and classical banks (minority stakes) in key and promising markets, development and implementation of Smart Money, launch of Digital Clearing Houses and alternatives to SWIFT/ SEPA. 

Revolutionizing Construction and Development Across Regions

 Construction and developer activities in various markets of Eurasia and the Middle East. Financing volume - $10 billion inworking capital for all types of infrastructure, industrial, commercial and social facilities, including airports, ports, highways, bridges, tunnels, dams, hydroelectric power plants, sewage treatment plants, factories, industrial enterprises, pipelines, multi-purpose complex structures, stadiums, Malls, catering establishments, hotel and residence complexes, etc.

Global hospitality

Global hospitality, including hotel and tourism sector. Financing volume - $5 billion. These investments will then pave the way for a skilled workforce that can deliver exceptional growth, drive innovation and, by embracing digital technologies, enhance the competitiveness and resilience of the sector.